Rychtar 11° Premium Lager

Rychtar 11° Premium Lager

This first-class Czech lager is characterized by a pleasant, distinctive character bitterness and fullness, high cut and excellent foaminess. Brewery uses Saaz head hops in our production, which supplies this characteristic bitterness of excellent beer, typical of traditional beer pilsner-type lager. More

Alcohol 5,0%
Plato 11,7°
Used hops Saaz
Producer Rychtar
Code 5452
On stock > 50 pcs
Price incl. VAT: 1,60 € Price per liter: 3,20 €

This first-class Czech lager is characterized by a pleasant, distinctive character bitterness and fullness, high cut and excellent foaminess. Brewery uses Saaz head hops in our production, which supplies this characteristic bitterness of excellent beer, typical of traditional beer pilsner-type lager. More

Alcohol 5,0%
Plato 11,7°
Used hops Saaz
Producer Rychtar
Code 5452

water, barley malt, hop products

About the brewery:
Brewery Rychtar in Hlinsko belongs to breweries with a relatively short history. It was founded in 1913 and was the only brewery built in Bohemia between 1913 and 1971. As a prosperous enterprise, the brewery was transformed into a joint-stock company in 1925, but the further development of the brewery was stopped by the occupation. The name Rychtar first appeared in 1981 as a label for a lager. After the revolution, the brewery was a part of Pivovary Hradec Králové until 1996, and then the owners of the brewery changed until the current Lobkowicz Group a.s. The breweries Černá Hora, Uherský Brod, Jihlava, Platan, Klášter and Vysoký Chlumec also belong to the group.

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