water, barley malt, hop products
About the brewery:
We are happy to introduce you to beers from the "kraft brewery" Reservoir Dogs, located in Nová Gorica on the Slovenian-Italian border.As usual, their beer odyssey began as a hobby for a few homebrewers.Now, however, their production means the best in the industry, and you can tell by the popularity of their beers. Remaining strictly a craft brewery leaves them wide open for innovative ideas and unlimited creativity. The modern technical equipment of their brewery supports the brewers in their search for perfection. The Dogs portfolio includes a whole range of beer styles, which are not afraid to modify with non-traditional ingredients or barrification. They can brew both the popular light ales and their sour versions, and their stouts are a treat for connoisseurs. However, the best rated are their spontaneously fermented beers in elegant bottles with wax caps, which we will also introduce to you gradually.