water, oat malt, hop products
About the Brewery:
Minipivovar Pinta is located in the easternmost part of Poland in the village of Wieprz (from the Latin "Vepres" = "Thicket"). Founded in 2011, their first specialty brew was "Hop Attack," now known as "Atak Chmielu." This intensely hoppy beer sparked a craft revolution in Poland, which is now evident in Polish pubs. The brewery was founded by three enthusiasts - Grzesiek, Marek, and Ziemek, who initially gained experience as homebrewers, beer festival organizers, and authors of brewing books. Pinta is very popular in Poland and has produced over 100 types of beer during its existence. Their first collaboration was in Ireland with the O'Hara brewery, and since then, they have brewed specialties in France, Japan, Brazil, and Italy. Pinta also has its own pub in Wroclaw. At Beershop, we've been eyeing them for a long time, and we've finally found a reliable importer who will ensure we have their beers regularly in stock.