Lager & Pils - Alcohol - 4,5%
10° Lost Lager
Lost Lager vařený podle nové receptury. Jde o Pils v německém stylu uvařený pomocí větrné energie, se spotřebou o třetinu méně vody. Dávka chmelů Spalter a Saphir ve výsledku…
Lost Lager vařený podle nové receptury. Jde o Pils v německém stylu uvařený pomocí větrné energie, se spotřebou o třetinu méně vody. Dávka…
11° Lager
Vinohradská 11 is an unfiltered, unpasteurized pilsner beer with a rich aroma of Saaz and Premiant. It is characterized by lower medium fullness and high drinkability. Eleven is…
Vinohradská 11 is an unfiltered, unpasteurized pilsner beer with a rich aroma of Saaz and Premiant. It is characterized by lower medium…
11° Glee Pale Ale
Light pale ale but with a citrus aroma and a refreshing fruity taste. Golden color, clear beer with higher white foam. Bitterness higher, fullness medium, sharpness lower. Malt…
Light pale ale but with a citrus aroma and a refreshing fruity taste. Golden color, clear beer with higher white foam. Bitterness higher,…
11° Griffin IPL
India Pale Lager is a hybrid between a lager and a hopped ale. The mystical Griffin is a combination of an American eagle and a Czech lion. The Americans, who didn't invent but…
India Pale Lager is a hybrid between a lager and a hopped ale. The mystical Griffin is a combination of an American eagle and a Czech lion.…