IPA & NEIPA - Used hops - Elani

Černý-Potoka 11° Draco Session IPA

11° Draco Session IPA

4,80 €
/ 0,5 L

New Hazy Session IPA from Potoka with a fuller body and medium bitterness. Hazy yellow body, strong whitish head and peach aroma of iced tea. It uses new American hops Elani in…

New Hazy Session IPA from Potoka with a fuller body and medium bitterness. Hazy yellow body, strong whitish head and peach aroma of iced…

On stock > 5 pcs

Matuška 18° Christmas NEIPA

18° Christmas NEIPA

5,50 €
/ 0,5 L

This New England IPA is loaded with Elani, Citra and Citra Cryo hops, which gives it a very distinct aroma of citrus and tropical fruit. A sweet citrus aroma that is also a bit…

This New England IPA is loaded with Elani, Citra and Citra Cryo hops, which gives it a very distinct aroma of citrus and tropical fruit. A…

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Vik 18° Pop Art Double NEIPA

18° Pop Art Double NEIPA

5,50 €
/ 0,5 L

Double NEIPA that combines barley and wheat malt with the softness of oatmeal. The result is a beer with a higher density and a smooth character. Thanks to the selected Cascade,…

Double NEIPA that combines barley and wheat malt with the softness of oatmeal. The result is a beer with a higher density and a smooth…

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Obora 12° Art of Hop #3 Elani Session NEIPA

12° Art of Hop #3 Elani Session NEIPA

4,35 €

In the Art of Hop series, Obora creates interesting hop combinations and uses new hop varieties. Each batch is therefore original, a bit of a work of art by one of their brewers.…

In the Art of Hop series, Obora creates interesting hop combinations and uses new hop varieties. Each batch is therefore original, a bit of…

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