IPA & NEIPA - Plato - 12°

12° Winter Lush Session NEIPA
An easy-drinking NEIPA with a burst of tropical fruit. Its mild bitterness and maltiness are as expected and typical of this beer style. It was hopped with 4 interesting varieties…
An easy-drinking NEIPA with a burst of tropical fruit. Its mild bitterness and maltiness are as expected and typical of this beer style. It…

12° Punk IPA
A collaboration batch of Munich's Giesinger with Berlin's Brewdog. Brewed in Munich and aged in tanks in Berlin. This Punk IPA brings together cities, young breweries and…
A collaboration batch of Munich's Giesinger with Berlin's Brewdog. Brewed in Munich and aged in tanks in Berlin. This Punk IPA brings…

12° CHiCa Session IPA
This beer is the next addition to the Madcat 2HOPS range. CHiCa contains long-standing classics from American hops: CHInook and CAscade, which benefit the beer with their intense…
This beer is the next addition to the Madcat 2HOPS range. CHiCa contains long-standing classics from American hops: CHInook and CAscade,…

12° Red Zeppelin Session IPA
Light Red IPA with a balanced body and bitterness is the right choice for a good meal. The aroma is fruity and lemony and there is a noticeable orange peel. The taste of the beer…
Light Red IPA with a balanced body and bitterness is the right choice for a good meal. The aroma is fruity and lemony and there is a…

15° Orion Théta APA
Classic American Pale Ale with medium bitterness is this time hopped with a combination of Trident and Mosaic. The aroma of tangerines and stone fruits is sweet. You can also look…
Classic American Pale Ale with medium bitterness is this time hopped with a combination of Trident and Mosaic. The aroma of tangerines and…

12° Hazy Jane New England IPA
Hazy Jane je IPA ve vermontském stylu, resp. u nás spíš známým pod názvem New England. Je to speciál s nízkou hořkostí a plná intenzivního šťavnatého ovoce. Ananas, nektarinky,…
Hazy Jane je IPA ve vermontském stylu, resp. u nás spíš známým pod názvem New England. Je to speciál s nízkou hořkostí a plná intenzivního…

12° Hazy Galaxy Session IPA
Hazy Galaxy Session IPA stands out for its lightness, juiciness and great drinkability. Galaxy, one of Australia's most popular hop varieties, has given it a fresh taste of…
Hazy Galaxy Session IPA stands out for its lightness, juiciness and great drinkability. Galaxy, one of Australia's most popular hop…

12° Less Sugars Brut IPA
A light summer Brut IPA from Vinohrady in Prague, which has a very dry taste and is moderately bitter. At first it impresses with a combination of wild herbs and white grapes, but…
A light summer Brut IPA from Vinohrady in Prague, which has a very dry taste and is moderately bitter. At first it impresses with a…

12° Lost Arts Pale Ale
Amarillo is one of the flagship races in the IBU. Its strong flavor profile is notes of sticky marmalade, then it is joined by softer notes of melon, apricot and peach. At Polly's…
Amarillo is one of the flagship races in the IBU. Its strong flavor profile is notes of sticky marmalade, then it is joined by softer notes…

12° Little Patternist Pale Ale
This Pale Ale was created in 2020 as a reaction to the fashion for strong double and triple IPAs. Polly's wanted to show that it could give a beer incredible notes of mango and…
This Pale Ale was created in 2020 as a reaction to the fashion for strong double and triple IPAs. Polly's wanted to show that it could give…

12° Skaffold Session NEIPA
Skaffold is the result of a collaboration between the Czech fashion designer David Žáček and the NOZIB brewery. For a joint pop-up, they brewed a beer in the style of Session…
Skaffold is the result of a collaboration between the Czech fashion designer David Žáček and the NOZIB brewery. For a joint pop-up, they…

12° Sabro Fun Service Session NEIPA
The modern Sabro hop is characterized by an extremely interesting taste full of coconut, pineapple, tropical fruit and with subtle notes of cream. For those of you who are fans of…
The modern Sabro hop is characterized by an extremely interesting taste full of coconut, pineapple, tropical fruit and with subtle notes of…

12° House Hazy IPA
A lighter, refreshing New England IPA from Moravian Thrills. With this can, you can successfully start any home tasting evening. The combination of three hops added citrus,…
A lighter, refreshing New England IPA from Moravian Thrills. With this can, you can successfully start any home tasting evening. The…

12° Hazy Jane New England IPA
Hazy Jane je IPA ve vermontském stylu, resp. u nás spíš známým pod názvem New England. Je to speciál s nízkou hořkostí a plná intenzivního šťavnatého ovoce. Ananas, nektarinky,…
Hazy Jane je IPA ve vermontském stylu, resp. u nás spíš známým pod názvem New England. Je to speciál s nízkou hořkostí a plná intenzivního…

12° Metropolitan Session IPA
Light IPA hopped with 5 types of hops is suitable for summer sipping in the park or in the garden. The beer has a beautiful golden color and holds the foam well. A lower cut and…
Light IPA hopped with 5 types of hops is suitable for summer sipping in the park or in the garden. The beer has a beautiful golden color…

12° Fest Coast IPA
This funky wintery West Coast IPA is an old school favorite for Marek from Thrills. Classic barley malts on pure yeast, with a woody taste, a hint of pine and even grapefruit. The…
This funky wintery West Coast IPA is an old school favorite for Marek from Thrills. Classic barley malts on pure yeast, with a woody taste,…