Czechia - Used hops - Premiant

MadCat 8° Uwe Grep

8° Uwe Grep

3,40 €
/ 0,5 L

Grapefruit juice-doped bottom-fermented eight for summer days. This puts this beer among radlers. It is really pleasant and naturally fruity as a sports drink. Grapefruit in taste…

Grapefruit juice-doped bottom-fermented eight for summer days. This puts this beer among radlers. It is really pleasant and naturally…

On stock > 10 pcs

Kyjovsky 11° Lager

11° Lager

2,70 €
/ 0,5 L

A very pleasant lager was bottled after 5 weeks of aging. The pleasant drinkability of this lager is ensured by the balanced fullness, pleasant cut and pure bitterness of Zatec…

A very pleasant lager was bottled after 5 weeks of aging. The pleasant drinkability of this lager is ensured by the balanced fullness,…

On stock > 10 pcs

Vinohradsky 11° Lager

11° Lager

3,10 €
/ 0,5 L

Vinohradská 11 is an unfiltered, unpasteurized pilsner beer with a rich aroma of Saaz and Premiant. It is characterized by lower medium fullness and high drinkability. Eleven is…

Vinohradská 11 is an unfiltered, unpasteurized pilsner beer with a rich aroma of Saaz and Premiant. It is characterized by lower medium…

Skladem 1-2 ks

Vinohradsky 13° Amber Lager

13° Amber Lager

3,30 €
/ 0,5 L

This Amber Lager is a bottom-fermented special amber color with a higher fullness, a malty to slightly caramel taste and a medium balanced bitterness. Thirteen in Vinohrady is…

This Amber Lager is a bottom-fermented special amber color with a higher fullness, a malty to slightly caramel taste and a medium balanced…

On stock > 10 pcs

Lucky-Bastard 11° Blond

11° Blond

2,45 €
/ 0,5 L

Pivo ve stylu Pale Ale z brněnského pivovaru Lucky Bastard má hustou a stabilní pěnu. V chuti sladové, lehce obilné, s vyšší hořkostí a bylinně chmelovými tóny, tóny citrónové…

Pivo ve stylu Pale Ale z brněnského pivovaru Lucky Bastard má hustou a stabilní pěnu. V chuti sladové, lehce obilné, s vyšší hořkostí a…

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Obora 16° IPA Peach

16° IPA Peach

4,70 €
/ 0,5 L

India Pale Ale infuzovaná broskvovým pyré, které tomuto voňavému pivu dodalo populární tóny ovoce s lehkou trpkostí, která je výborně zkombinovaná s hořkostí lokálně pěstovaných…

India Pale Ale infuzovaná broskvovým pyré, které tomuto voňavému pivu dodalo populární tóny ovoce s lehkou trpkostí, která je výborně…

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Axiom 12° Pilot

12° Pilot

2,90 €
/ 0,5 L

India Pale Lager is a hybrid between a lager and a hoppy special. The mystical Griffin is a combination of an American eagle and a Czech lion. The Americans, who didn't invent but…

India Pale Lager is a hybrid between a lager and a hoppy special. The mystical Griffin is a combination of an American eagle and a Czech…

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