BEER LIST - Used hops - Sládek

16° Coming Oat Oatmeal Stout
Oatmeal Stout is a dark top-fermented beer that has a rich roasted flavor and, thanks to the oatmeal, has a high amount of protein, which ensures a thick, creamy head and…
Oatmeal Stout is a dark top-fermented beer that has a rich roasted flavor and, thanks to the oatmeal, has a high amount of protein, which…

18° Anything Gose Tomato Basil
An ancient German top-fermented beer style that is starting to gain popularity again. It is a beer with a high proportion of wheat, added salt and ground coriander. This time,…
An ancient German top-fermented beer style that is starting to gain popularity again. It is a beer with a high proportion of wheat, added…

10° Seaman Gose
Seaman Gose from Vinohradské pivovar is a refreshing, very drinkable light beer with a unique slightly salty and sour taste, complemented by herbal notes. The hop bitterness is…
Seaman Gose from Vinohradské pivovar is a refreshing, very drinkable light beer with a unique slightly salty and sour taste, complemented…