BEER LIST - Alcohol - 5,6%

11° Fruit Slide Cooler Fruited Sour
This refreshing top-fermented sour from Basqueland is infused with raspberries, where raspberries dominate both the aroma and the taste. The bright ruby sour with a slightly…
This refreshing top-fermented sour from Basqueland is infused with raspberries, where raspberries dominate both the aroma and the taste.…

14° Timeless Oak Aged Pale Lager
A lager brewed with high amounts of unmalted barley that has been aged in fine French oak for several weeks. The latter added a hint of toasty roastiness to the herbal aroma of…
A lager brewed with high amounts of unmalted barley that has been aged in fine French oak for several weeks. The latter added a hint of…

13° Punk IPA
Vlajková loď pivovaru Brewdog. Punková India Pale Ale, která se stala synonymem pro rebelii řemeslných piv. Chmelená novými chmely pro vytvoření exploze tropického ovoce a totální…
Vlajková loď pivovaru Brewdog. Punková India Pale Ale, která se stala synonymem pro rebelii řemeslných piv. Chmelená novými chmely pro…

13° Europhoria IPA
Discover Europhoria, an exceptional medium-bodied IPA, skillfully brewed from a blend of unconventional, aromatic German hops. Its appearance is dark hazy yellow, crowned with…
Discover Europhoria, an exceptional medium-bodied IPA, skillfully brewed from a blend of unconventional, aromatic German hops. Its…

13° Punk IPA
Vlajková loď pivovaru Brewdog. Punková India Pale Ale, která se stala synonymem pro rebelii řemeslných piv. Chmelená novými chmely pro vytvoření exploze tropického ovoce a totální…
Vlajková loď pivovaru Brewdog. Punková India Pale Ale, která se stala synonymem pro rebelii řemeslných piv. Chmelená novými chmely pro…

19° Gelato Pastry Sour Guava Passion Fruit Peach
This beer will taste like ice cream. It has a sweet and sour flavor profile with hints of malt, passion fruit, mango, guava, and peaches. It's the perfect example of a sour beer.…
This beer will taste like ice cream. It has a sweet and sour flavor profile with hints of malt, passion fruit, mango, guava, and peaches.…