BEER LIST - Alcohol - 4,5%
Freedom Lemonade Sour Ale
This is not a lemonade, but an American beer Session Sour. Its clear sweetness of real lemons is combined with pure cane sugar, which creates a refreshing bitter finish. It has a…
This is not a lemonade, but an American beer Session Sour. Its clear sweetness of real lemons is combined with pure cane sugar, which…
Freedom Of Speech Sour Ale
This Kettle Sour was made slightly differently from other sours, as it is with the addition of low-fat Greek yogurt to the wort instead of the usual Lactobacillus. However, the…
This Kettle Sour was made slightly differently from other sours, as it is with the addition of low-fat Greek yogurt to the wort instead of…
11° Triglav Pale Ale
Fresh American Pale Ale with a combination of Aurora and Cardinal hops. They are supported by the American classic Mosaic. And the result is a golden, nicely bitter and…
Fresh American Pale Ale with a combination of Aurora and Cardinal hops. They are supported by the American classic Mosaic. And the result…
10° Lost Lager
Lost Lager vařený podle nové receptury. Jde o Pils v německém stylu uvařený pomocí větrné energie, se spotřebou o třetinu méně vody. Dávka chmelů Spalter a Saphir ve výsledku…
Lost Lager vařený podle nové receptury. Jde o Pils v německém stylu uvařený pomocí větrné energie, se spotřebou o třetinu méně vody. Dávka…
11° Lager
Vinohradská 11 is an unfiltered, unpasteurized pilsner beer with a rich aroma of Saaz and Premiant. It is characterized by lower medium fullness and high drinkability. Eleven is…
Vinohradská 11 is an unfiltered, unpasteurized pilsner beer with a rich aroma of Saaz and Premiant. It is characterized by lower medium…
11° Liberator Pale Ale
In Vinohrady, they were inspired by the name of the American bomber Consolidated B-24 Liberator, according to which designation they chose the final bitterness value of IBU 24.…
In Vinohrady, they were inspired by the name of the American bomber Consolidated B-24 Liberator, according to which designation they chose…
11° Kwas XY Catharina Sour
A new sour beer style from Brazil, which is a slightly stronger version of Berliner Weisse with the addition of tropical fruit juice. For the Polish interpretation in Pinta, they…
A new sour beer style from Brazil, which is a slightly stronger version of Berliner Weisse with the addition of tropical fruit juice. For…
11° Pineapple Session IPA
A light summer flavored IPA is new for this hot summer. Light yellow color, lower white foam. Aroma of citrus, hop resins and pineapple. Light body, high bitterness and lower cut.…
A light summer flavored IPA is new for this hot summer. Light yellow color, lower white foam. Aroma of citrus, hop resins and pineapple.…
11° Glee Pale Ale
Light pale ale but with a citrus aroma and a refreshing fruity taste. Golden color, clear beer with higher white foam. Bitterness higher, fullness medium, sharpness lower. Malt…
Light pale ale but with a citrus aroma and a refreshing fruity taste. Golden color, clear beer with higher white foam. Bitterness higher,…
11° Griffin IPL
India Pale Lager is a hybrid between a lager and a hopped ale. The mystical Griffin is a combination of an American eagle and a Czech lion. The Americans, who didn't invent but…
India Pale Lager is a hybrid between a lager and a hopped ale. The mystical Griffin is a combination of an American eagle and a Czech lion.…
15° Red Fruit Smoothie Pastry Sour
The popular fruit smoothie from Chroust is a beer that has a very pleasant density, sweetness and optimal acidity thanks to the addition of lactose. In this version, they put…
The popular fruit smoothie from Chroust is a beer that has a very pleasant density, sweetness and optimal acidity thanks to the addition of…
11° Tangerine Sesion IPA
IPA od Brewdogu, která byla infuzovaná mandarinkami. I při 4,5 % alkoholu je to výjimečné pivo, které vašemu hrdlu dodá perfektně načasovanou dávku šťavnatých citrusů a jemného…
IPA od Brewdogu, která byla infuzovaná mandarinkami. I při 4,5 % alkoholu je to výjimečné pivo, které vašemu hrdlu dodá perfektně…
11° Fresh APA
A light American Pale Ale style beer with enough malt body, brewed to balance the beer. It is very drinkable and above all fresh. Medium strong tropical and herbal hop aroma. The…
A light American Pale Ale style beer with enough malt body, brewed to balance the beer. It is very drinkable and above all fresh. Medium…