BEER BY CATEGORY - Used hops - Premiant

11° Lager 2.0x
Brand new lager from SQBRU, moderately bitter, beautifully drinkable. Golden body and thick white foam. The beer has a typical floral hop aroma, light malty sweetness. Its…
Brand new lager from SQBRU, moderately bitter, beautifully drinkable. Golden body and thick white foam. The beer has a typical floral hop…

13° Amber Lager
This Amber Lager is a bottom-fermented special amber color with a higher fullness, a malty to slightly caramel taste and a medium balanced bitterness. Thirteen in Vinohrady is…
This Amber Lager is a bottom-fermented special amber color with a higher fullness, a malty to slightly caramel taste and a medium balanced…

11° Lager
Vinohradská 11 is an unfiltered, unpasteurized pilsner beer with a rich aroma of Saaz and Premiant. It is characterized by lower medium fullness and high drinkability. Eleven is…
Vinohradská 11 is an unfiltered, unpasteurized pilsner beer with a rich aroma of Saaz and Premiant. It is characterized by lower medium…

19° Christmas Doppelbock
Traditional German-style Doppelbock Christmas beer, ideal for warming up after a winter walk. Thanks to the partially roasted malts used, subtle caramel tones stand out in the…
Traditional German-style Doppelbock Christmas beer, ideal for warming up after a winter walk. Thanks to the partially roasted malts used,…

8° Uwe Grep
Grapefruit juice-doped bottom-fermented eight for summer days. This puts this beer among radlers. It is really pleasant and naturally fruity as a sports drink. Grapefruit in taste…
Grapefruit juice-doped bottom-fermented eight for summer days. This puts this beer among radlers. It is really pleasant and naturally…

11° Lager
A very pleasant lager was bottled after 5 weeks of aging. The pleasant drinkability of this lager is ensured by the balanced fullness, pleasant cut and pure bitterness of Zatec…
A very pleasant lager was bottled after 5 weeks of aging. The pleasant drinkability of this lager is ensured by the balanced fullness,…

12° Pilot
India Pale Lager is a hybrid between a lager and a hoppy special. The mystical Griffin is a combination of an American eagle and a Czech lion. The Americans, who didn't invent but…
India Pale Lager is a hybrid between a lager and a hoppy special. The mystical Griffin is a combination of an American eagle and a Czech…