BEER BY CATEGORY - Alcohol - 7,5 %
18° Kou Imperial Gose
A delicious sour brewed with honey, blueberries and heather honey. The aroma is spicy and full of wild berries, with blueberries seeming to be the most prominent. The taste evokes…
A delicious sour brewed with honey, blueberries and heather honey. The aroma is spicy and full of wild berries, with blueberries seeming to…
16° Tingle in my Fingers Pastry Sour
French sour beer that has been flavored with marshmallows, mango, raspberries, blueberries and vanilla. Winter is here, but we have something to warm your heart. A true dessert…
French sour beer that has been flavored with marshmallows, mango, raspberries, blueberries and vanilla. Winter is here, but we have…
19° Acid Trip Sour IPA
Pravděpodobně žádný jiný styl naž IPA nemá tolik podkategorií a interpretací. Zde se jedná o kyselou verzi od Axiomu. Kyselina z laktobacilů spolu s výraznými chmely ze…
Pravděpodobně žádný jiný styl naž IPA nemá tolik podkategorií a interpretací. Zde se jedná o kyselou verzi od Axiomu. Kyselina z…