12° Philadelphia Sour Mix Currants
An interesting combination of summer fruit in sour cream from Obory. Dark purple-red color cloudy with flesh. The beer has a pleasant acidity and a distinct currant flavor and…
An interesting combination of summer fruit in sour cream from Obory. Dark purple-red color cloudy with flesh. The beer has a pleasant…
15° IPA Citra
India Pale Ale from the Obora brewery with an intense taste and aroma of citrus fruits. The hops were hand-harvested from their own hops on the farm near the brewery.
India Pale Ale from the Obora brewery with an intense taste and aroma of citrus fruits. The hops were hand-harvested from their own hops on…
18° Porter
Porter in a tin from the Obora brewery, for which 7 types of malt and 4 types of hops were used. Its dark to black color and distinctive roasted chocolate aroma with hints of…
Porter in a tin from the Obora brewery, for which 7 types of malt and 4 types of hops were used. Its dark to black color and distinctive…
12° Philadelphia Sour Mango Passion
An interesting and tasty version of sour drink from Obora, in which this time mango was infused together with passion fruit. The fruit component in this beer makes up to 25% of…
An interesting and tasty version of sour drink from Obora, in which this time mango was infused together with passion fruit. The fruit…
10° Summer Ale
A summer single-hopped ale that is fresh and very drinkable. A special spreading and sweetening method gave it a fuller body. The aroma of mango and pineapple and the grapefruit…
A summer single-hopped ale that is fresh and very drinkable. A special spreading and sweetening method gave it a fuller body. The aroma of…
10° Philadelphia Sour Strawberry
Strawberry Sour from South-Bohemian micro brewery Obora. It has a fresh sour strawberry taste, which appears quite often in pickles during the watering season, so it has found its…
Strawberry Sour from South-Bohemian micro brewery Obora. It has a fresh sour strawberry taste, which appears quite often in pickles during…
11° American Cream Ale
A light and fresh Ale from Obora with a slight bitterness, floral and fruity aroma, which was added by Crystal hops. A beer style originally from North America, in this version…
A light and fresh Ale from Obora with a slight bitterness, floral and fruity aroma, which was added by Crystal hops. A beer style…
12° Jezibaba Lager
A pleasantly bitter lager from Obora with caramel notes. It was hopped with locally grown Rubín, which gave it a spicy to coarsely spicy aroma. It is of course unfiltered and…
A pleasantly bitter lager from Obora with caramel notes. It was hopped with locally grown Rubín, which gave it a spicy to coarsely spicy…
12° Philadelphia Sour Raspberry
A raspberry version of Obora's sour beer, in which hops from the own hop farm were used. The beer has a sour raspberry flavor and smells of raspberries and malt. You definitely…
A raspberry version of Obora's sour beer, in which hops from the own hop farm were used. The beer has a sour raspberry flavor and smells of…
7° Polka Dot Grodziskie
A light, lightly smoked wheat beer in the old Polish beer style. It has a cloudy straw body and persistent white foam. Its taste is smoky, grainy, floral, slightly salty and…
A light, lightly smoked wheat beer in the old Polish beer style. It has a cloudy straw body and persistent white foam. Its taste is smoky,…
12° Philadelphia Sour Meruňka
Lehká kyselost a jemná chuť moravských meruněk, které tvoří cca. 25 % nápoje. Kyseláč velice osvěžující a díky vyššímu EPM má také plnou a zakulacenou chuť. Má žlutou barvu a je…
Lehká kyselost a jemná chuť moravských meruněk, které tvoří cca. 25 % nápoje. Kyseláč velice osvěžující a díky vyššímu EPM má také plnou a…
14° Red Cherry Sour
Mild acidity, distinct taste and aroma of South Bohemian sour cherries from Krtel. Thanks to the 40% share of whole sour cherries, which were crushed in the brewery and added to…
Mild acidity, distinct taste and aroma of South Bohemian sour cherries from Krtel. Thanks to the 40% share of whole sour cherries, which…
12° Smoked Lager
Rauchbier from Obora has a medium body and its mild bitterness is complemented by pleasant beech smoke. There is also a hint of nutty and caramel, with the hops providing only…
Rauchbier from Obora has a medium body and its mild bitterness is complemented by pleasant beech smoke. There is also a hint of nutty and…
14° Winter IPA Hazy
19° Luscious Lonely Virgin Sour
For the end of the year, they have prepared the tempting sour drink here in Obóra. The combination of beer, milkshake, sweet dough and sour fruit juice created a special with a…
For the end of the year, they have prepared the tempting sour drink here in Obóra. The combination of beer, milkshake, sweet dough and sour…
12° Kölsch
Pivo vařené podle tradičního speciálu z Kolína nad Rýnem. Kölsch se vyznačuje lehkou ovocnou vůní, příjemnou hořkostí a mírnou sladovostí. K výrobě byl použit vídeňský slad a…
Pivo vařené podle tradičního speciálu z Kolína nad Rýnem. Kölsch se vyznačuje lehkou ovocnou vůní, příjemnou hořkostí a mírnou sladovostí.…
15° Špejchar Belgian Dubbel
Pivo je inspirováno cestou sládka Obory do Belgie, kde se nadchnul pro zemitou chuť klášterních piv. Špejchar odráží tamní striktní postupy, má plné tělo, méně výraznou hořkost a…
Pivo je inspirováno cestou sládka Obory do Belgie, kde se nadchnul pro zemitou chuť klášterních piv. Špejchar odráží tamní striktní postupy…
12° Gose Forrest Fruit
The basis of this beer is the old Gose beer style originally from the German town of Goslar. They added forest fruits, which make up 20% of the drink, and spruce shoots from the…
The basis of this beer is the old Gose beer style originally from the German town of Goslar. They added forest fruits, which make up 20% of…
12° Philadelphia Sour Maracuja
Maracujový kyseláč z Obory v půllitrové plechovce. Kyselinka z původního piva byla doplněna osvěžující chutí ovoce a vznikl tak opravdu líbivý kyseláček pro všechny fanoušky…
Maracujový kyseláč z Obory v půllitrové plechovce. Kyselinka z původního piva byla doplněna osvěžující chutí ovoce a vznikl tak opravdu…
12° Farmhouse Pale Ale
This beer style comes from Wallonia, Belgium. It is characterized by a strong aromatic scent, citrus esters, notes of cloves and pepper. It is a light top-fermented full beer,…
This beer style comes from Wallonia, Belgium. It is characterized by a strong aromatic scent, citrus esters, notes of cloves and pepper. It…
12° Philadelphia Sour Blackcurrant Raspberry
This summer version of Obory sour was awarded 2nd place in the Sour category at the 22nd International Beer Festival Budweis 2022. It is flavored with an attractive combination of…
This summer version of Obory sour was awarded 2nd place in the Sour category at the 22nd International Beer Festival Budweis 2022. It is…
16° IPA Peach
India Pale Ale infuzovaná broskvovým pyré, které tomuto voňavému pivu dodalo populární tóny ovoce s lehkou trpkostí, která je výborně zkombinovaná s hořkostí lokálně pěstovaných…
India Pale Ale infuzovaná broskvovým pyré, které tomuto voňavému pivu dodalo populární tóny ovoce s lehkou trpkostí, která je výborně…
The taste and aroma of this NEIPA have a strong tropical fruit character. Wheat and oat malts with a higher protein content were used for cooking. It was almost exclusively dry…
The taste and aroma of this NEIPA have a strong tropical fruit character. Wheat and oat malts with a higher protein content were used for…
14° Zjara Farmhouse Ale
Jarní speciál z Obory uvařený ve velmi limitovaném množství. Pivo v belgickém stylu nezvyklé chuti, kterou mu propůjčuje netradiční špaldový slad spolu s praženými slady. V chuti…
Jarní speciál z Obory uvařený ve velmi limitovaném množství. Pivo v belgickém stylu nezvyklé chuti, kterou mu propůjčuje netradiční…
12° Philadelphia Sour Cascara & Coffee
Another special from the Philadelphia line from Obory. This time with Cascara, which is the processed and dried skin of the coffee cherry. It contains many vitamins and…
Another special from the Philadelphia line from Obory. This time with Cascara, which is the processed and dried skin of the coffee cherry.…