BEER BY COUNTRY - Used hops - Superdelic

11° Saudade APA
The top-fermented American Pale Ale is light, fresh and highly drinkable with balanced bitterness. It has a pale gold body and white foam. The aroma features tropical fruit,…
The top-fermented American Pale Ale is light, fresh and highly drinkable with balanced bitterness. It has a pale gold body and white foam.…

11° Cetus Session Hazy IPA
New Hazy IPA called Cetus od Potoky. The basis of the pouring was Viennese malt, Pale Ale malt and a large amount of wheat and oat flakes. They added CTZ and Idaho7 hops to the…
New Hazy IPA called Cetus od Potoky. The basis of the pouring was Viennese malt, Pale Ale malt and a large amount of wheat and oat flakes.…

7° Hoppy Shower Super Session IPA
Hoppy Shower is a refreshing light Session IPA with aromatic hops. It is a low-grade beer with a complex taste, which ranks among the other summer specials in the pivots. You will…
Hoppy Shower is a refreshing light Session IPA with aromatic hops. It is a low-grade beer with a complex taste, which ranks among the other…