APA & Pale Ale - Thrills
11° Farmhouse Ale
Modern Farmhouse Ale is a specialty fermented with a mix of beer and wine yeast. The malt line is spiced with pleasant hints of the spicy flavor known from Belgian saisons. In our…
Modern Farmhouse Ale is a specialty fermented with a mix of beer and wine yeast. The malt line is spiced with pleasant hints of the spicy…
14° B2B Orange Farmhouse Ale
Joint batch of Thrills with Hungarian Reketye. They brewed this tripple Farmhouse Ale with red pepper and orange. They used fresh ingredients and inspiration not only for the…
Joint batch of Thrills with Hungarian Reketye. They brewed this tripple Farmhouse Ale with red pepper and orange. They used fresh…
11° Tasman Bay Farm Ale
This Pacific-tuned Tasman Bay eel is a project by Marek Houdek with Australian housekeeper and law professor Dan Svantesson. In the aroma you will discover herbs and white grapes…
This Pacific-tuned Tasman Bay eel is a project by Marek Houdek with Australian housekeeper and law professor Dan Svantesson. In the aroma…
10° Two Against One Pale Ale
This light but full-bodied ten from Thrills for summer refreshment is called Modern Pale Ale. A combination of popular Citra, Cascade and Simcoe hops guarantees a pleasant summer…
This light but full-bodied ten from Thrills for summer refreshment is called Modern Pale Ale. A combination of popular Citra, Cascade and…
12° Smart As* Pale Ale
Další pivo Thrills ze série Daily Bread. Byl v něm použitý klasický britský slad Golden Promise v kombinaci s americkými chmely Citra a Cascade. Pivo tak získalo příjemnou…
Další pivo Thrills ze série Daily Bread. Byl v něm použitý klasický britský slad Golden Promise v kombinaci s americkými chmely Citra a…
11° Springer Pale Ale
Jarňák z Thrillsu je velmi jednoduchý, mírně navoněný a hezky pitelný Single Hop Ale se studeným chmelením Žateckým poloraným červeňákem v Cryo verzi. Jde o velmi specifické pivo,…
Jarňák z Thrillsu je velmi jednoduchý, mírně navoněný a hezky pitelný Single Hop Ale se studeným chmelením Žateckým poloraným červeňákem v…
13° Smookie Farmhouse Ale
Farmhouse Ale is a specialty fermented with a mix of beer and wine yeast. It was brewed with dried pears and with the addition of smoked malt, which made its taste even more…
Farmhouse Ale is a specialty fermented with a mix of beer and wine yeast. It was brewed with dried pears and with the addition of smoked…