Kolečko Nealko IPA
Non-alcoholic special from Albrechtice in a fragrant IPA style with a blend of American hops stands out with its citrus flavor and aromas of citrus fruits. An excellent…
Non-alcoholic special from Albrechtice in a fragrant IPA style with a blend of American hops stands out with its citrus flavor and aromas…

Nana Nealko Sour Ale
Clock's Nina in a non-alcoholic version. So it is a non-alcoholic raspberry Sour Ale. A great choice for those taking a break from alcohol in February. We believe that it will…
Clock's Nina in a non-alcoholic version. So it is a non-alcoholic raspberry Sour Ale. A great choice for those taking a break from alcohol…

Lazarus Nealko Sour Ale
Non-alcoholic Sour Ale with passion fruit, peaches and mango. It was first brewed in Clock as an excellent summer refreshment, but it is also suitable for dry February. So we dare…
Non-alcoholic Sour Ale with passion fruit, peaches and mango. It was first brewed in Clock as an excellent summer refreshment, but it is…